How To Use Pinterest For Blogging?

Do you think Pinterest is only for home decor ideas and fashion inspiration? Trust me Pinterest is way more than this. People use Pinterest to bring traffic to their blogging sites and promote their online presence. For bloggers, Pinterest offers a good opportunity to bring traffic to their sites.

If you are not using Pinterest to promote your blog, now is the ideal moment to start promoting your blog on Pinterest and start making money with blogging. This is how you can start!

Steps to Use Pinterest For Blogging

Here are a few strategies you can use to start Pinterest for blogging;

  1. Setting up your Pinterest Profile
  2. Optimizing your boards
  3. Creating Engaging Pins
  4. Check SEO From Your End
  5. Engagement with Followers

Setting Up Your Pinterest Profile

Before diving deep into the world of Pinterest you must set up your Pinterest business account first. The Pinterest business account gives you access to beneficial tools such as pin performance, rich pins(type of pins that include extra information such as ingredients, recipes, etc), and pin ads.

The Pinterest business account supports blogging for business and allows you to the several tools such as Pinterest Creator Hub and Pinterest Analytics. Pinterest creator hub gives you all the information you need to know about your audience and their interest which makes it easier to convert the visitors into customers. The chances of sales improve with the conversion rate.

Optimizing Your Boards

Once you completed your profile, you are now ready to create the boards within Pinterest. The boards on Pinterest represent your whole work. The board is more likely a website, creating a board for the first time offers a lot of flexibility and freedom.

Your first Pinterest board must be after your blog. It should be labeled with something hooked-up title such as “My Best Blog” or something like that which will make it easy for the pinners to discover your best and most recent works.

After that start creating other boards that are relatable to your blog niche, and make it categorized according to the interests of your audience.


Before moving further keep in mind that Pinterest works more like a search engine than a social media app. So label the board with well-optimized keywords that will show to the pinners (A person who uses Pinterest) when they search for it.

Creating Engaging Pins

Congratulations, now you have the Pinterest business profile and boards. After creating boards your next step should be creating more engaging pins so that it increases your engagement on your Pinterest profile and also compels the pinners to click on the link for further reading on your blogging website.

Clicking on the link will increase the external traffic on your website which will make it easy for you to monetize your website. If you have never done this before, you can make pins using Canva.


For each article you write, you must create at least one pin. These four points must be kept in mind before creating the pin:

  1. Size of Pin
  2. Image of Pin
  3. Text of Pin
  4. Branding of Pin.

Make a more interesting, visible,worth-sharing, and fresh pin for your blog post.

Check SEO From Your End

Now you have a pin to post. Before posting a pin make sure that you have checked the SEO from your end. Assessing your SEO will help you in showing and ranking your profile and site on search engine results. Ensure that you turn on the “Public Search” from your Pinterest setting. Turning on public search will get you on top of the pinner’s timeline.

Ensure that you are consistently posting pins with titles, Through this way the Pinterest algorithm will show your pins to the related audience who are interested in your content. Use as many related keywords when creating pins and boards. This will boost your Pinterest and website visibility.

Engagement with Followers

To make your Pinterest a main source of traffic you need to be more interactive with your Pinterest audience. When someone follows you give them follow back and go through their profile. This can help you identify what they are looking for and where the energy of your audience is coming from.

Create the planned content for your audience later on. Last but not least try to follow the influencers and trendsetters to have more knowledge about the mindset of people and will give you more information about the market.

Why Pinterest For Blogging

Unlike other social media apps, Pinterest works as a search engine optimization by using the proper Keywords and going through Pinterest Keyword research you can bring enormous traffic to your blog site and bring more followers to your Pinterest account. To know about the people’s interest you need to follow the Pinterest trends that people are searching for. You will get the more crystal clear idea.

Frequently Asked Questions

What account should I use to start blogging on Pinterest?

It’s advisable to use the Pinterest business account for blogging. Analytics tools and performance tracking can be accessed through the Pinterest business account.

In what way can I best utilize my pins and boards?

You can optimize your boards and pins by using the relevant keywords and hashtags in your board title, description, and tag topics that are relevant to your chosen niche.

What is the most ideal moment to post anything on Pinterest?

Make it a priority to post regularly ideally a few times a week. To differentiate your business from others, you must remain consistent.

How can I effectively interact with my Pinterest followers?

The easiest way to engage your followers on Pinterest is to go through their followers’ repin pins relevant to your topic and comment on them. A response to their comment, follow for follow back.

Is it possible to plan Pinterest pins before time?

Yes, you can schedule pins in advance on Pinterest by using the native tools of Pinterest or using third-party apps for scheduling pins. This will make you stand out from the rest of your competitors even when you are busy.


In conclusion, you can bring enormous traffic to your website and increase your online presence by using the strategies mentioned above in the blog post. By creating a business account, optimizing your boards, making high-quality pins, and using Pinterest SEO strategies you can use Pinterest for blogging.

Keep in mind that Pinterest works like a search engine so whatever niche you choose follow the trending topics and keywords that align with your niche. By using these strategies constantly you can take your blogging journey to the next level and beat your competition. Start now and see the enormous spike in your blog traffic!

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Lyra Wilson
Lyra Wilson

Hey, I'm Lyra Wilson. I'm a digital marketer and a writer with the concept of "Content is King". I love to talk about the digital transformation of businesses and how the advertising world has upgraded from conventional methods to digital platforms. I'm here to solve common problems that content creators face on different platforms.

Articles: 132