How to Unfriend in Snapchat?

In the fast-paced world of social media, maintaining your digital relationships is as important as managing your real-life connections. Digital natives and social media enthusiasts love Snapchat for its playful filters and temporary communications. However, like any social network, there might be times when you need to reconsider who stays in your friends list. This blog post explains why and how you might wish to unfriend someone on Snapchat and walks you through the process. You’ll learn the key differences between befriending and unfriending, the steps to unfriend, and the benefits of maintaining a curated friends list.

Friend vs Unfriend Feature on Snapchat

On Snapchat, being friends with someone means you have mutually added each other. This allows you to send and receive Snaps, view each other’s Stories, and chat directly. It’s a way of sharing personal moments and staying connected.

On the contrary, unfriending someone on Snapchat entails taking them off of your list of friends. This action is not as drastic as blocking; it simply stops the person from seeing your private Stories and sending you Snaps. They won’t be notified that you have unfriended them, making it a subtle way to manage your connections. This helps in maintaining a clutter-free friends list and ensures that your content is shared with the right audience.

Key Differences

The primary difference between being friends and unfriending someone lies in the level of interaction. While friends can engage freely, unfriended individuals lose access to your posts and direct communication. It’s a useful feature for refining your social network without causing hard feelings.

How Does it Work?

When you unfriend someone, they will no longer see your private stories or be able to send you snaps directly. But based on your privacy settings, they may still be able to view everything you publish online. This feature strikes a balance between maintaining privacy and keeping certain connections at a distance.

Reasons to Use Unfriend Feature of Snapchat

The unfriend feature is beneficial for those who want to maintain a high level of control over their social interactions. It facilitates friend list management, making sure that only those you trust can view your private stuff. The following are main benefits of this feature:

  • Privacy Concerns

The need to maintain their privacy is one of the main motivations behind Snapchat unfriending. If you feel that someone has too much access to your personal life, unfriending is a quick and effective solution.

  • Reducing Clutter

Your feed may get clogged with an ever-expanding number of friends, making it challenging to stay in touch with the individuals who really matter. Unfriending helps streamline your social media experience, allowing you to focus on meaningful interactions.

  • Personal Conflicts

Sometimes, interpersonal issues necessitate the need to unfriend. Whether it’s due to a fallout or simply growing apart, unfriending can help reduce unwanted interactions and maintain a peaceful online presence.

Steps to Unfriend on Snapchat

Step 1: Open Snapchat

Start by launching the Snapchat app on the device you are using. Verify that you are signed into your account.

Step 2: Get to Your Contacts List

To enter the Chat screen, swipe right from the camera screen. To access your profile page from there, hit the profile symbol in the upper left corner. Scroll down to find ‘My Friends.’

Step 3: Select the Friend

Select the person you wish to unfriend in the ‘My Friends’ area. Tap and hold their name until a menu appears.

Step 4: Unfriend Them

From the menu, select ‘Manage Friendship.’ Then, tap ‘Remove Friend.’ A confirmation prompt will appear Once you confirm your choice, the individual will no longer be listed among your friends.

Advantages of Snapchat Unfriending

Removing a friend from Snapchat is a frequent activity performed by numerous individuals. Whether it’s a friend, acquaintance, or even an ex-partner, there are various reasons why unfriending someone can be beneficial. The following are a few advantages of unfriending someone on Snapchat:

Reducing Social Media Pressure: One of the biggest benefits of unfriending someone on Snapchat is reducing social media pressure. It’s simple to feel overburdened and under pressure to continuously stay up to date with others’ lives with the abundance of stuff that is published and exhibited on social media platforms. By unfriending someone, you can eliminate this pressure and focus on your own well-being.

Avoiding Negative Interactions: Unfriending someone on Snapchat also helps to avoid negative interactions. If you have had a falling out with a friend or simply don’t get along with someone, unfriending them can prevent any potential drama or conflicts on the app.

Eliminating Distractions: Unfriending someone on Snapchat can also help eliminate distractions. If you find yourself constantly checking their stories or spending too much time messaging them, removing them from your friends list can help you focus on more important things in your life.

Moving on from Past Relationships: Unfriending an ex-partner on Snapchat can also be beneficial for moving on from past relationships. By removing them from your friends list, you won’t be constantly reminded of them and can focus on your own healing process.

Improved Mental Health: Ultimately, unfriending someone on Snapchat can have a positive impact on your mental health. By reducing social media pressure, avoiding negative interactions, and decluttering your friend list, you can create a healthier online environment for yourself.


How many people on Snapchat can I unfriend at a time?

No, the number of friends you can unfriend on Snapchat is infinite. You have the freedom to manage your friends list as you see fit.

Will the person know I unfriended them?

No, when you unfriend someone on Snapchat, they won’t know about it. They will simply lose access to your private content.

Can I re-add someone after unfriending them?

Yes, you can re-add someone after unfriending them by simply sending them a friend request again. If they accept, they’ll be back on your friends list.

What happens to the chat history after unfriending someone?

You can still browse your private stories and send new Snaps to the person you unfriended, but they won’t be able to access your chat history.

Does unfriending affect my Snap Score?

Unfriending someone does not affect your Snap Score. Your score is based on your overall activity on the platform, not your friends list.


For the best social media experience on Snapchat, you must manage your digital relationships. By understanding when and how to unfriend someone, you can maintain your privacy, enjoy a clutter-free feed, and reduce stress. Remember, unfriending is a personal choice that helps you stay in control of your social interactions.

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Lyra Wilson
Lyra Wilson

Hey, I'm Lyra Wilson. I'm a digital marketer and a writer with the concept of "Content is King". I love to talk about the digital transformation of businesses and how the advertising world has upgraded from conventional methods to digital platforms. I'm here to solve common problems that content creators face on different platforms.

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