How to Turn Off Professional Mode on Facebook?

Facebook has a feature called Professional Mode that gives users access to sophisticated tools and information for managing their profiles. For some, it’s quite helpful, while for others, it could be inconvenient or useless. Whether you’re a casual Facebook user or a social media manager, understanding how to turn off Professional Mode can help you streamline your Facebook experience.

Facebook Professional Mode offers a range of benefits for businesses and public figures looking to establish a professional presence on the platform. From branding and networking opportunities to analytics and targeted advertising, this feature can help individuals and organizations achieve their goals and stay ahead in today’s competitive digital landscape. For individuals who wish to use Facebook as a marketing platform, it is therefore an essential component.

In this detailed guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to turn off Professional Mode on Facebook, discuss the implications, and how important it is for business owners.

What is Facebook Professional Mode?

Facebook Professional Mode is a setting that allows users to switch their personal profile into a professional profile specifically designed for businesses and public figures. This mode enables individuals to separate their personal and professional lives on the platform and present a more polished image to their audience.

It is very important to know what Professional Mode is before we dive into the how to turn it off. Professional Mode offers users a set of tools typically reserved for business pages. These include:

  • Detailed Analytics: Insights into who is engaging with your content.
  • Content Scheduling: Plan and schedule your posts ahead of time.
  • Monetization Options: Access to monetization tools to earn from your content.
  • Enhanced Profile Features: Additional layouts and customization options.

While these features are great for influencers, brands, and businesses, they can be overwhelming for users who don’t need such detailed controls.

Importance of Facebook Professional Mode

  • Credibility: By using Facebook Professional Mode, businesses and public figures can establish themselves as credible and trustworthy entities. This is especially important for small businesses or entrepreneurs who are trying to build their brand and gain recognition in their industry.
  • Branding: With a professional profile, users have access to customized tools such as cover photos, call-to-action buttons, and featured posts that allow them to showcase their brand identity effectively. This can help companies in differentiating themselves from competitors and building a powerful visual presence on the platform.
  • Networking: Facebook Professional Mode also offers networking opportunities for businesses and public figures. In order to broaden their network and get in touch with possible clients or partners, users can interact with other experts in their industry by joining groups that are pertinent to them and taking part in discussions.
  • Analytics: Another significant advantage of using Facebook Professional Mode is access to analytics and insights. With this function, users can keep an eye on interaction levels, track the effectiveness of their postings, and gain a deeper understanding of their audience. Using this information can help you develop marketing tactics that are more focused and successful.
  • Advertisements: Professional Mode also provides businesses with the option to run advertisements on the platform. These advertisements are a useful tool for businesses to reach their intended audience because they can target particular demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Why People Disable Professional Mode on Facebook?

While Facebook Professional Mode offers many benefits, there may be several reasons why users may want to turn it off and switch back to a personal profile. Here are some of the common reasons:

  • Personal vs. Professional Life: Some users may find it difficult to maintain a clear distinction between their personal and professional lives on Facebook. They might prefer to have just one profile where they can share both personal and business-related posts without having to switch between modes.
  • Limited Features: While Facebook Professional Mode offers various features for businesses, it also restricts certain functionalities that are available on personal profiles. For example, professional profiles cannot join personal groups or play games, which may be important to some users.
  • Privacy Concerns: When using Facebook Professional Mode, users’ profiles are made public by default, which means anyone can view their posts and information. This might not be suitable for individuals who value their privacy and want to keep their personal details restricted to a smaller group of friends and family on the platform.
  • Personal Branding: While branding is a significant advantage of Professional Mode, some users may find it too limiting in terms of showcasing their personality and individuality. They may prefer to have more creative control over their profile’s appearance without being restricted to a professional aesthetic.
  • Difficulty in Switching: Lastly, some users may simply find it inconvenient and time-consuming to switch between modes every time they want to use Facebook for personal or professional purposes. This might lead them to turn off Professional Mode altogether and stick with a single profile for all their needs.

How to Turn Off Facebook’s Professional Mode?

Step 1: Open your Facebook account and log in

First, launch your browser and navigate to Facebook. To log in, enter your password and username.

Step 2: Go to Your Profile

To access your profile page after logging in, click on your name or profile photo.

Step 3: Go to Settings

Look for the settings icon on your profile page. Three vertical dots or a gear are typically used to symbolize this. To view a dropdown menu, click on it.

Step 4: Choose ‘Professional Tools’

Choose “Professional Tools” or an equivalent selection from the dropdown menu. This will take you to the Professional Mode settings.

Step 5: Turn Off Professional Mode

Within the Professional Tools settings, there should be an option to toggle Professional Mode on or off. Toggle it off by clicking on the toggle button.

Step 6: Verify Your Choice

You could get a confirmation window asking you to confirm that you wish to disable Professional Mode. Confirm your choice by clicking ‘Yes’ or ‘Confirm.’

Step 7: Review Changes

After turning off Professional Mode, review your profile to ensure everything is back to the standard settings. Check your posts, privacy settings, and any other features that may have been affected.

Implications of Turning Off Professional Mode

Turning off Professional Mode will disable the advanced features and revert your profile to its standard functionality. Here’s what changes:

  • Loss of Analytics: You will no longer have access to in-depth analytics about your posts and followers.
  • No More Content Scheduling: Any scheduled posts may be lost, and you will need to post content manually.
  • Monetization Disabled: If you were using monetization tools, these will be turned off.
  • Profile Layout: Your profile will revert to the standard layout.


Can I turn Professional Mode back on?

Yes, you can turn Professional Mode back on at any time by following the same steps and toggling the option back on.

Will I lose my posts when I turn off Professional Mode?

No, turning off Professional Mode will not delete any of your posts. However, you will lose access to certain tools and insights.

Is there a way to customize which Professional Mode features I use?

Unfortunately, Professional Mode is an all-or-nothing feature. You cannot selectively choose which tools to keep or disable.

How does turning off Professional Mode affect my privacy?

Turning off Professional Mode may enhance your privacy by limiting the amount of data analytics tools can access. But it’s essential to frequently check your privacy settings.

What impact will it have on my followers if I switch off Professional Mode?

No, your followers will remain the same. The change primarily affects how you manage and view your profile.

Can I still use Business Suite if I turn off Professional Mode?

Business Suite is a separate tool for managing Facebook Pages and may not be affected by changes to your personal profile settings.


Turning off Professional Mode on Facebook is a simple process but one that can significantly impact how you manage your profile. Whether you’re looking to simplify your Facebook experience, reduce notifications, or increase your privacy, following the steps outlined in this guide will help you achieve your goal.

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to reach out to Facebook’s support team or consult their Help Center.

Ready to turn off Professional Mode? Head over to your profile settings and make the change today. Enjoy a simpler, more focused Facebook experience!

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Lyra Wilson
Lyra Wilson

Hey, I'm Lyra Wilson. I'm a digital marketer and a writer with the concept of "Content is King". I love to talk about the digital transformation of businesses and how the advertising world has upgraded from conventional methods to digital platforms. I'm here to solve common problems that content creators face on different platforms.

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