How to See Story Archive on Facebook?

The Story archive feature on Facebook allows users to save their stories for future viewing. This feature was first introduced in December 2017, and it has become an essential tool for many Facebook users. It is widely accessible to all users on Facebook thanks to its availability on both the web and mobile versions.

Social media is widely used by people to communicate with others by sharing their ideas, opinions, and experiences. By being able to view their past stories, users can reflect on their personal growth and development, and see how they have evolved over time.

The story archive on Facebook can also act as a visual diary for users. More engaging and aesthetically pleasing than traditional printed diaries, it enables people to record their everyday experiences and activities. As social media has become an integral part of our lives, having a story archive can serve as a modern-day scrapbook that captures important moments and milestones.

Let’s dive deep to know how to see story archived on Facebook!

What Is a Facebook Story Archive?

The Story Archive is a feature that allows you to automatically save your stories after they disappear from your profile and News Feed after 24 hours. This means you can revisit your stories, relive memories, and even repurpose content for future use.

Why Use Story Archive?

We produce and share material with our friends and followers on social media platforms on a regular basis in this day and digital age. However, some moments are not meant to last forever, and they eventually disappear from our feeds. With the story archive feature on Facebook, you can save these moments and relive them later on. Here are some reasons why the story archive feature is important:

  • Memories

The most obvious reason for using the story archive feature is to preserve memories. Life is filled with precious moments, big or small, that we want to remember forever. By archiving your stories, you can go back in time and relive those memories whenever you want. It’s a great way to reminisce about special occasions, trips, or daily experiences.

  • Privacy

When you post a story on Facebook, it only stays visible for 24 hours before disappearing from your story feed. While this is great for keeping your feed fresh and updated, it can also be a problem if you want to keep certain stories private. The story archive feature allows you to save these stories without making them visible to others, giving you more control over your content.

  • Organizing Content

With the amount of content we share on social media nowadays, it can be challenging to keep track of everything we post. By using the story archive feature, you can easily organize your stories and categorize them by date or event. This makes it easier to find specific memories and saves you time scrolling through your feed.

  • Sharing with Future Audiences

Another great aspect of the story archive feature is that it allows you to share your saved stories with future audiences. For example, if you have a child or grandchild in the future, you can show them personal moments from your past through archived stories on Facebook. It’s a fantastic way to pass down memories and connect generations.

Benefits of Using Facebook Story Archive

Business and Marketing Benefits

  • Content Repurposing: Businesses can reuse archived stories for future marketing campaigns. For showcasing previous promotions, client endorsements, or behind-the-scenes material, this is especially helpful.
  • Analytics and Insights: Reviewing past stories can provide insights into what content resonated with your audience, helping to refine future content strategies.
  • Customer Engagement: Archived stories can be used to create highlights, showcasing popular products, services, or events, which can engage and attract more customers.

Creative and Strategic Uses

  • Highlight Reels: You can compile your favorite stories into highlight reels that remain visible on your profile, giving new visitors an overview of key moments or themes.
  • Memory Compilation: Use the archive to create compilations or year-in-review videos, which can be enjoyable for personal users and engaging for business followers.
  • Content Reflection: Regularly reviewing your archive can inspire new content ideas and help you reflect on your growth and experiences over time.

User Engagement and Interaction

  • Interaction with Past Content: Archiving allows users to revisit old interactions, comments, and reactions, fostering a sense of continuity and engagement with your audience.
  • Feedback and Improvement: Businesses can use archived stories to gather feedback and make improvements based on past performance and audience reactions.

Time Efficiency

  • Quick Access: Having all your stories archived in one place saves time when searching for specific content, especially compared to scrolling through a long feed history.
  • Streamlined Workflow: For content creators and social media managers, the archive feature helps streamline the workflow by keeping all past stories readily accessible for planning and repurposing.

Enhanced Storytelling

  • Chronological Storytelling: The chronological order of the archive allows for coherent storytelling over time, making it easier to create a narrative from past events and experiences.
  • Visual Diary: For personal users, the archive acts as a visual diary, capturing day-to-day moments that collectively tell the story of their lives.

How Can People Turn on Facebook Story Archive?

Step 1: Launch the Facebook App

First, on your mobile device, launch the Facebook app. Verify that you are signed into the account.

Step 2: Go to Your Profile

To access your profile page, tap on your name or profile image at the top of the screen.

Step 3: Access Your Stories

Press and hold the three horizontal lines (commonly referred to as the hamburger menu) located in the lower right corner of your profile page. To increase the number of selections, scroll down and hit “See More”.

Step 4: Open Story Archive Settings

Among the expanded options, you will find “Story Archive.” Tap on it to open the Story Archive settings.

Step 5: Enable Story Archive

In the Story Archive settings, you will see an option to turn on the Story Archive. Toggle the switch to enable it. Now, all your stories will be saved automatically after 24 hours.

How Do You Access Your Facebook Story Archive?

The Story Archive can be easily viewed by following these steps once you have enabled it:

Step 1: Launch the Facebook App

Make sure your mobile device is logged into your Facebook account.

Step 2: Get to Your Profile

To access your profile page, tap on your name or profile image at the top of the screen.

Step 3: Access Your Stories

Press and hold the three horizontal lines (hamburger menu) located in the lower right corner of your profile page. To increase the number of selections, scroll down and hit “See More”.

Step 4: Open Story Archive

Among the expanded options, you will find “Story Archive.” Click or tap it to see every story you’ve ever saved.

Step 5: Look Through Your Archived Stories

A list of all of your old stories will now appear. You can browse through them by date and even re-share them if you want.

How to Use Story Archive Feature?

Using the story archive feature on Facebook is simple and straightforward. Here’s how:

  1. Either take a picture or record a video directly from the Facebook app, or upload one from your camera roll to post a story on FB.
  2. Press the “Your Story” button to publish your narrative once you’ve made any necessary edits and added any filters or effects.
  3. After 24 hours, your story will disappear from your feed. However, it will still be available in your story archive.
  4. To view archived stories, click on the “Archive” icon (clock symbol) at the top right corner of your screen.
  5. From there, you can browse through all your saved stories and choose which ones to share or delete.

Additional Tips for Managing Your Story Archive

Re-sharing Stories

To re-share a story from your archive, simply tap on the story you want to share and select the “Share” option. You can add new stickers, text, or effects before sharing it as a new story.

Deleting Archived Stories

If you want to delete a story from your archive, tap on the story you wish to remove and select the “Delete” option. Confirm your action, and the story will be permanently deleted from your archive.

Downloading Archived Stories

You can also download your archived stories to your device. Tap on the story you want to download and select the “Download” option. The story will be saved to your device’s gallery or camera roll.


Is it possible for me to access my Story Archive on Facebook?

Sure, you can visit the Facebook website to view your Story Archive. Click the “More” button in your profile and choose “Story Archive.”

When I browse my Story Archive, will my friends get notified?

No, when you browse your Story Archive, your friends won’t be informed. It is personal and only you may view it unless you decide to share your story again.

How long are stories saved in the archive?

Stories are saved in the archive indefinitely until you choose to delete them.

Can I turn off the Story Archive feature?

Indeed, by going to the Story Archive settings and flipping the switch off, you can always disable the Story Archive feature. However, doing so will stop new stories from being saved automatically.

Are archived stories included in my Facebook data download?

Yes, archived stories are included in your Facebook data download. You can request a copy of your Facebook data through the settings menu.


Managing your Facebook stories is a breeze with the Story Archive feature. By enabling and accessing your Story Archive, you can ensure that your memorable moments are always within reach. Whether you want to relive a past experience or reuse content for new stories, the Story Archive is a powerful tool for any Facebook user.

Ready to make the most of your Facebook stories? Enable your Story Archive today and start managing your content like a pro!

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Lyra Wilson
Lyra Wilson

Hey, I'm Lyra Wilson. I'm a digital marketer and a writer with the concept of "Content is King". I love to talk about the digital transformation of businesses and how the advertising world has upgraded from conventional methods to digital platforms. I'm here to solve common problems that content creators face on different platforms.

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