How to Make a Facebook Post Shareable?

Social networking is an essential resource for small businesses in the digital age. One of the key features of Facebook is the ability to share posts, whether it be text, images, or videos. The key to raising brand awareness and promoting engagement is having the ability to share things widely. However, many small business owners and social media managers struggle with making their Facebook posts shareable.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps to create highly shareable Facebook posts, ensuring your content reaches a broader audience.

What Does Facebook Post Sharing Mean?

On Facebook, “post sharing” is the practice of resharing or forwarding someone else’s post on either your own or their timeline. It can also be done in groups, pages, and events.

When you share a post on Facebook, it appears on your friends’ news feed, making it visible to a wider audience. Additionally, the original poster is notified that their content has been shared.

The Importance of Shareable Content on Facebook

Creating shareable content on Facebook serves multiple purposes. It makes your brand more visible in addition to aiding in the spread of your message. Sharing your content with others gives you greater credibility because it’s like receiving an endorsement from them.

Shareable content can drive organic traffic to your page or website, enhance your brand’s reputation, and boost user engagement and interaction. The importance of sharing content on Facebook is mentioned below in detail:

  • Reach a Wider Audience:

The primary reason why post sharing on Facebook is crucial is that it allows you to reach a larger audience than just your followers and friends. When someone shares your post, their friends and followers also see it, potentially exposing your content to a whole new group of people.

  • Increased Engagement:

By sharing a post, you are essentially endorsing the content, showing that you find it valuable or relevant. People are more likely to interact with information that their friends promote, which can result in higher levels of engagement.

  • Assurance of Your Brand:

In the current digital era, social evidence is crucial for establishing credibility and trust. Facebook post shares give credibility to your brand or message and act as social proof that your content is worthwhile.

  • Boost Your Online Presence:

The more your content is shared on Facebook, the higher it ranks in the algorithm. This means that your post will be shown to a larger audience and have a better chance of being discovered by new people.

  • Free Marketing:

Post sharing on Facebook is essentially free marketing for your brand or message. You may improve your online profile without investing any money in advertising by producing shareable content.

Facebook’s Post Share Settings

Facebook provides several privacy settings that control who can see and share your posts. You have to understand these parameters and know how to modify them in order to make your posts shareable.

1. Privacy Settings

Facebook’s privacy settings determine the audience for your posts. Public, Friends, Friends except…, and Only me are the available options. A post needs to be set to Public in order for it to be shared.

How to Adjust Privacy Settings:

  1. Create a new post.
  2. Click on the privacy setting button below your name.
  3. Select “Public” from the dropdown menu.

2. Page vs. Personal Profile Settings

If you use your personal profile on Facebook for business, you should think about creating a Facebook page instead. Pages offer more robust tools and analytics for managing content and audience engagement.

Advantages of Using a Page:

  • Access to detailed insights and analytics
  • Ability to create ads and promote posts
  • Better content organization and visibility

3. Custom Audience Settings

You may build customized audiences with criteria like hobbies, behaviors, and demographics for sharing that is more specifically targeted. This feature allows you to tailor your posts to specific groups, increasing the likelihood of shares.

Why Should People Share Posts on Facebook?

There are numerous reasons why people should share posts on Facebook. These are a few of the strongest reasons:

1. To Maintain Relationships with Friends and Family

Facebook is an effective social networking platform that enables users to maintain relationships with friends and family wherever they are in the world. By sharing posts, people can keep their loved ones updated about their lives, share photos and videos, and engage in meaningful conversations.

2. To Spread Important Information or News

With its wide reach and high engagement rate, Facebook has become an important source of information for many people. By sharing posts related to news, events, or important causes, individuals can help spread awareness and educate their friends and followers.

3. To Give a boost to Companies or Individual Brands

Facebook has grown in popularity as a marketing platform for companies and individuals who want to advertise goods and services. Facebook post sharing gives users the opportunity to reach a wider audience and possibly get new followers or customers.

4. To Support Causes and Create Social Impact

Social media has proven to be a powerful platform for raising awareness about various social issues and supporting causes that are close to one’s heart. By sharing posts related to these causes, people can not only spread awareness but also inspire others to take action and create a positive impact.

5. To Establish Connections with Like-Minded People

People can connect with like-minded people who have similar interests, values, or activities by sharing postings on Facebook. This allows for meaningful discussions and the formation of virtual communities that provide support and encouragement.

6. To Express Creativity and Showcase Talent

Facebook users can share a variety of content, including images, videos, music, artwork, and more, in addition to text-based updates. People can display their artistic abilities and get comments from friends and followers by posting their masterpieces on Facebook. This can also lead to potential opportunities and collaborations.

7. To Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem

For many people, getting likes, comments, and shares on their postings can enhance their confidence. It allows them to feel appreciated and valued by their friends and followers, leading to an increase in self-esteem and overall well-being.

Craft Engaging and Shareable Facebook Content

Creating shareable content requires more than just adjusting settings. The content itself must be engaging and valuable to your audience. With the help of following suggestions, create the content that people will share on FB:

1. Understand Your Audience

To create content that resonates, it is essential to understand your audience. Analyze the interests and demographics of your audience with Facebook Insights.

Tips for Knowing Your Audience:

  • Conduct surveys to gather direct feedback.
  • Track engagement analytics to determine the most effective post kinds.
  • Communicate with your audience by leaving messages and comments.

2. Generate and Make Useful Content

Your audience should find value in the content you offer, whether it is educational, amusing, or inspirational. Valuable content encourages people to share it with their network.

Categories of Essential Content:

  • Tutorials and How-to Guides
  • Industry news and updates
  • Inspirational quotes and stories

3. Use Eye-Catching Visuals

Images and videos are examples of visual content that is typically more interesting than text by itself. Make use of eye-catching images to draw viewers in and promote sharing.

Suggestions for Eye-Catching Visuals:

  • Make use of vivid and striking colors.
  • Include people and faces in your images.
  • Keep videos short and engaging.

Utilize Facebook Features for Post Shareability

Facebook offers several features that can enhance the shareability of your posts. Utilize these tools to maximize your reach.

1. Hashtags and Keywords

Making use of relevant hashtags and keywords might help make your postings more visible. Look for trending hashtags for your sector and use them in your postings.

How to Use Hashtags:

  • Use 3-5 relevant hashtags per post.
  • Be clear of using too many hashtags in your post.
  • Make custom hashtags for your company.

2. Mentions and Tagging

Including user names and tagging other sites in your posts helps boost shares and interaction. It also encourages collaboration and partnerships.

Tips for Tagging and Mentions:

  • Tag relevant businesses and influencers
  • Mention users who have engaged with your content
  • Acknowledge collaborators and partners

3. Facebook Stories

Sharing temporary content via Facebook Stories, which show up at the top of your followers’ news feed, is a terrific idea. Stories are a great way to communicate updates, promotions, and behind-the-scenes content.

Best Practices for Facebook Stories:

  • Keep stories short and engaging
  • Use stickers and interactive elements
  • Post consistently to stay top-of-mind

Encourage Your Audience to Share the Post

You can sometimes urge your audience to share the content by giving them a little extra push. Use call-to-actions (CTAs) and incentives to motivate sharing.

1. Crafting Effective CTAs

CTAs are essential for directing viewers to take the desired action. Make use of attention-grabbing CTAs to promote sharing.

Examples of Effective CTAs:

  • “Share this post if you agree!”
  • “Tag a friend who has to see this!”
  • “Spread the word by sharing this post!”

2. Provide Rewards

Rewards might encourage readers to spread the word about your work. If someone shares one of your blogs, think about rewarding them with discounts, freebies, or contest entries.

Ideas for Incentives:

  • “Share this post and get 10% off your next purchase!”
  • “Share this post to enter our giveaway!”
  • “Tag a friend and both receive a free gift!”

3. Including Your Audience in Conversation

Involvement requires fairness. Answering messages and comments demonstrates to your audience that you appreciate their feedback and promotes more conversation.

Tips for Audience Engagement:

  • Reply to comments promptly
  • Show appreciation for shares and mentions
  • Ask questions and encourage discussions

Monitoring and Analyzing Performance of FB Content

Continue to refine your strategy for creating shareable content by tracking and evaluating the effectiveness of your posts. Track important indicators using Facebook Insights and other analytics tools.

1. Important KPIs to Track

By monitoring the appropriate metrics, you may learn what functions well and what doesn’t. Focus on metrics that indicate engagement and reach.

Important Metrics:

  • Shares and likes
  • Comments and interactions
  • Impressions and Reach

2. Making Use of Facebook Analytics

For your page, Facebook Insights offers comprehensive analytics. Make use of this tool to learn more about the tastes and behavior of your audience.

How to Use Facebook Insights:

  • On your page, access Facebook Insights.
  • Review metrics like reach, engagement, and audience demographics.
  • Use the data to refine your content strategy.

Adapt to Algorithm Changes on Facebook

Facebook’s algorithm constantly evolves, affecting how content is displayed in users’ feeds. Stay updated on algorithm changes to ensure your content remains visible.

1. Learn about Algorithm

Facebook’s algorithm prioritizes content that generates meaningful interactions. Posts with higher engagement are more likely to appear in users’ feeds.

Algorithm Priorities:

  • Posts from friends and family
  • Content that sparks conversations
  • Live streaming and video content

2. Modifying Your Approach

Adapt your content strategy to changes in the algorithm. Concentrate on producing interesting material that promotes communication.

Adaptation Strategies:

  • Increase the use of video content
  • Encourage comments and discussions
  • Post during peak engagement times

3. Staying Informed

Keep up with algorithm updates by reading trade publications and Facebook’s official statements. Being proactive will help you maintain a successful content strategy.

Sources for Updates:

  • Facebook’s Newsroom
  • Social media marketing blogs
  • Industry forums and communities


How do I make a post shareable on Facebook?

To make a post shareable, set the privacy setting to “Public” when creating the post. This allows anyone to see and share it.

What type of content is most shareable on Facebook?

Important content is very easily shared, including how-to manuals, business news, and motivational tales. Visuals like images and videos also tend to perform well.

Can I see who shared my Facebook post?

Yes, by clicking on the share count beneath the post, you can see who has shared it. You will see a list of people who have shared it as a result.

How often should I post on Facebook?

Posting consistently is key. To keep your audience interested and visible, try to post content three or more times a week at the very least

What time of day is ideal for posting on Facebook?

The ideal timing to post changes depending on who will see it. Generally, posting during peak engagement times, such as early morning or late evening, yields better results. To find out when your audience is most engaged, use Facebook Insights.


An essential skill for social media managers and small business owners is crafting Facebook posts that can be shared widely. By understanding Facebook’s share settings, crafting engaging content, leveraging platform features, and encouraging audience interaction, you can maximize your reach and engagement. You can make sure your content stays effective over time by keeping an eye on performance and adjusting in response to algorithm changes.

Are you prepared to enhance your social media plan? With only a few simple tweaks, you can increase engagement immediately. For more personalized advice, consider booking a consultation with our social media experts.

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Lyra Wilson
Lyra Wilson

Hey, I'm Lyra Wilson. I'm a digital marketer and a writer with the concept of "Content is King". I love to talk about the digital transformation of businesses and how the advertising world has upgraded from conventional methods to digital platforms. I'm here to solve common problems that content creators face on different platforms.

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