How to Change Name in Facebook Meta?

One of the most important aspects of using Facebook is having a profile that accurately represents yourself. This includes your name, which functions as the platform’s principal means of identification for you. While it may seem like a small detail, changing your name on Facebook can have significant impacts on how others perceive you and how you connect with them.

Not only for personal or professional reasons, but there may also be situations where one needs to change their name for safety purposes. For instance, if someone has been a victim of cyberbullying or online harassment, changing their name on Facebook can provide them with a sense of security and privacy.

On Facebook Meta, changing your name has never been simpler. Changing your profile name can have a big impact on content creators, social media managers, and small business owners alike. From reinforcing your brand identity to ensuring your audience recognizes you, a simple name change can make all the difference.

If you are looking for how to change name in Facebook Meta, give it a read below!

Why Change Your Name on Facebook Meta?

There could be various reasons, such as getting married or divorced and wanting to reflect the new status in their name or simply wanting to use a nickname instead of their given name. For any reason, you must realize how important it is to change your name on Facebook.

  • To Make Connections with Accurate Name

One reason is that having an accurate and up-to-date name can help others find you more easily. When someone searches for you on Facebook, they are most likely using your real name, especially if they know you personally. If your profile has a different or outdated name, it may be challenging for them to locate you. You can establish more connections with people if you change your name.

  • Establishing Your Brand Identity

For small business owners and content creators, your name is your brand. It’s how you connect with and are remembered by your audience. A name change can reflect a new direction, a rebranding effort, or simply a more professional image. To maintain consistency across all platforms, match your brand’s name with your Facebook Meta name.

  • Enhancing Searchability

A well-chosen name can improve your search engine rankings. You want to be at the top of the results when people search for your name or brand. A name that reflects what you do or the services you offer can help SEO, making it easier for new customers to find you.

  • Professional Reasons

Another reason is that having an updated name can help maintain professionalism on the platform. Many individuals use Facebook not only for personal connections but also for professional networking and job opportunities. Having a consistent and professional name on your profile can leave a positive impression on potential employers or business connections.

  • Personal Reasons

Sometimes, the reason is personal. Maybe you’ve legally changed your name, or perhaps you simply prefer to go by a different name now. For any reason, you can easily make this modification with a few clicks using Facebook Meta.

Preparations for Changing Your Name

Before making any changes, it’s crucial to understand Facebook’s name policy. Facebook demands that you use the name you use in real life. This ensures that your profile accurately represents you. There are restrictions on characters, punctuation, and titles, so make sure your desired name complies with these rules.

  • Backup Your Data

It’s always a good idea to back up your data before making any significant changes to your account. One way to do this is to download the images, posts, and messages from your profile. While changing your name won’t delete your data, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

  • Notify Your Audience

If you own a company or produce content, think about telling your audience about the change that’s coming. Posts and stories are two ways to accomplish this. Notifying your followers prevents confusion and maintains engagement.

Step-by-Step Guide to Changing Your Name

Accessing Account Settings

  • Log In: Open your Facebook Meta account and log in first.
  • Go to Settings: Press the descending arrow located in the upper right corner of the screen. After choosing “Settings & Privacy,” click “Settings.”
  • General Account Settings: Select “General” from the menu on the left. Here, you’ll see your current name with an “Edit” option next to it.

Editing Your Name

  • Click Edit: Next to your name, click “Edit.” This will open a new window where you can enter your new name.
  • Enter New Name: Type in your new first, middle (if any), and last name. Double-check for any typos.
  • Review Changes: Facebook will show you a preview of how your new name will appear. Make sure everything looks correct.

Confirming the Change

  • Save Changes: Once you’re satisfied, click “Review Change.”
  • Enter Password: For security reasons, Facebook will ask you to enter your password.
  • Submit: Click “Save Changes” to finalize the update.

Advantages of Changing Name on FB

Changing your name on Facebook may seem like a small and insignificant task, but it can actually have numerous benefits. Whether you are looking to rebrand yourself or simply want to update your personal information, here are some of the advantages of changing your name on Facebook:

  • Better Representation of Yourself

Your name is often the first thing people see when they come across your profile on Facebook. By changing your name to something that better represents you, whether it’s a nickname or a hyphenated last name after marriage, you can ensure that people get an accurate representation of who you are. This can also help in building your personal brand and making it easier for people to find and connect with you.

  • Privacy Protection

Using a unique or different name on Facebook can offer an additional layer of privacy protection. With the rise of cybercrime and identity theft, many people choose to use a variation of their name on social media platforms to protect their personal information. By changing your name on Facebook, you can control who has access to your profile and limit the visibility of your personal details.

  • Improved Searchability

Having a unique or more recognizable name on Facebook can make it easier for people to find you. This is especially helpful if you have a common name, as it can be difficult for others to locate your profile among the numerous search results. By changing your name on Facebook, you can stand out and increase your chances of being found by friends, colleagues, and potential employers.

  • Reflecting Life Changes

Life is constantly evolving, and our names may change along with it. Whether you get married, divorced or simply want to go by a different name than what appears on your birth certificate, Facebook allows you to easily update and reflect these changes in real-time. This helps in keeping your online presence up to date and accurately reflecting your current identity.

  • Rebranding Opportunities

For businesses or individuals looking to rebrand, changing their name on Facebook can be a crucial step in the process. With more people turning to social media platforms for information and updates, having a consistent and cohesive brand across all channels is important. By changing your name on Facebook, you can align it with your new branding and ensure that all aspects of your online presence are in sync.

  • Control Over How You Appear to Others

Facebook has a range of privacy settings that let you manage who can see what information on your profile. You can also manage how users see you on the platform by changing your name. For example, if you want to maintain a professional image on Facebook, you may choose to use your full name instead of a nickname.

  • Customization Options

Facebook allows users to add additional details such as middle names or nicknames in their profile settings. This gives users the freedom to customize their names and make it more unique or representative of themselves. With this feature, users have the opportunity to stand out and be creative with how they present themselves on the platform.

Common Issues and Solutions

Name Change Rejected

If Facebook rejects your name change, it could be due to several reasons:

  • Non-compliant Name: Ensure your name follows Facebook’s guidelines.
  • Frequent Changes: Facebook limits name changes to once every 60 days.
  • Fake Name: Using a name that doesn’t represent you or your business could lead to rejection.

Verification Required

In some cases, Facebook may ask for additional verification. This could involve uploading a government-issued ID to confirm your identity. To finish this stage, stick to Facebook’s instructions.

Awaiting Time

There may be a brief waiting period before your name changes on the entire platform. Have patience and don’t make any further adjustments at this time.

Optimizing Your New Name for SEO

Use Keywords

Incorporate relevant keywords into your new name if possible. For example, if you’re a baker, including “Bakery” in your name can help people find you when searching for baked goods.

Uniformity Throughout Platforms

Make sure all of your social media accounts use your new name. This enhances your SEO as well as fortifies your brand.

Refresh Your Bio and URL

Remember to change your URL and bio according to your new name. This ensures that all aspects of your profile are cohesive and professional.

What to Do After Changing Your Name?

Announce the Change

Once your name change is complete, announce it to your followers. This can be done through a post, a story, or even a live video. Explain the reason behind the change and encourage your audience to engage with your new profile.

Revise Your Marketing Materials

Make sure your new name appears on all of your offline and online marketing materials. This includes business cards, websites, email signatures, and promotional items.

Monitor Engagement

Monitor your engagement numbers following the rebranding. This will assist you in determining whether the change is having a beneficial effect on your brand and how your audience is responding.


On Facebook Meta, how frequently can I change my name?

You can change your name on Facebook once every sixty days. Prior to making the move, be sure you have complete confidence in your choice.

What happens to my followers when I change my name?

Your followers will remain the same. To avoid any confusion, it’s a good idea to let them know about the change.

Can I use my previous name again?

Yes, you can revert to your old name, but you’ll still have to wait 60 days to make another change.

Will my previous posts and comments reflect my new name?

Yes, all your previous posts and comments will update to reflect your new name automatically.

Do I need to provide legal documentation to change my name?

In most cases, no. But if Facebook flags your name change for any reason, you might be asked to provide legal documentation to verify your identity.


Changing your name on Facebook Meta is a straightforward process that can significantly impact your brand and online presence. Whether for work-related or personal reasons, a seamless transition can be guaranteed if you follow the instructions in this handbook. Remember to back up your data, inform your audience, and optimize your new name for SEO.

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Lyra Wilson
Lyra Wilson

Hey, I'm Lyra Wilson. I'm a digital marketer and a writer with the concept of "Content is King". I love to talk about the digital transformation of businesses and how the advertising world has upgraded from conventional methods to digital platforms. I'm here to solve common problems that content creators face on different platforms.

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